
Greetings and welcome!

The Women & Philanthropy initiative at UC Davis celebrates and honors women’s leadership, philanthropy and the power, purpose and impact of a collective of women. We call on women to use their time, talent, ties (networks), testimony and treasure for the greater good of society.

We recognize the changing landscape and faces of philanthropy. With a spirit of entrepreneurship, inclusivity, unbridled commitment and a palate of possibilities, we are exploring how to do fundraising better, which begins with recognizing the power and passion of women to bring about change.

Our wisdom is found in shared stories and life experiences. Our stories are powerful. The Wisdom of Women (WoW) is built on the beliefs of women using their voice and agency; women’s voices leading future generations; women rising to the call of community; and women living lives of purpose and intention.

The Women & Philanthropy initiative is just getting started. Even as our story is being written we are confident we are building a transformative legacy at UC Davis. Please join us.

Be curious. Be kind. Be generous.


Sallie-Grace Tate
Executive Director – Women & Philanthropy

Women & Philanthropy at UC Davis logo



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