Getting Unstuck: The Positive Side of Negative Thinking

getting unstuck: the positive side of negative thinking

Wed., March 2, 2022

12 p.m. PDT





LeShelle May will facilitate a conversation with Alison Ledgerwood, Ph.D., Professor and Chancellor's Fellow with the Department of Psychology, exploring how our opinions are shaped and the role of negativity in creating positive change.

Alison will explain the difference between positive and empowering thoughts, and answer the question, why do we get stuck in negative thinking? We will also explore negativity bias and why it is "positively" a thing.


Alison Ledgerwood

Alison Ledgerwood, Ph.D.

Professor and Chancellor's Fellow
Department of Psychology  
College of Letters and Science 
UC Davis 




LeShelle May


LeShelle May, M.S.

Advisory Board Member,
Women & Philanthropy
UC Davis


