Inspiration from Others
Every aspect of Mohini Jain’s life has been borne by inspiration from others.
The youngest of six girls, Jain was inspired by her mother who established a school for women in India in the 1950s—a time in which women were not allowed to leave home alone.
Her teacher’s love of flowers inspired Jain to study science and work as a microbiologist at UC Davis in the 1980s. Married to a UC Davis engineering professor, Jain was inspired by the Davis community’s passion for learning, eventually leaving the lab to teach high school.
“My connection to UC Davis began with my husband, Anil, who taught engineering at UC Davis for ten years until he passed away in 1988,” said Jain.
To honor those that inspired her and to motivate others, Jain has made giving to UC Davis a priority. She made her first gift in 1988 to support scholarships in the College of Engineering in honor of her husband.
“Our family owes much to this University. It only makes sense to give back.” All three of Jain’s children are engineers; two are UC Davis alumni.
More recently, her family established the Mohini Jain Family Foundation Award at UC Davis to provide annual support for Ph.D. students in the School of Education. Last fall, Jain made two gifts in response to the UC Davis Foundation’s matching fund for graduate scholarships.
“Education is the start of all the other sciences and disciplines,” said Jain. “Without educators, there would be no engineers, doctors or botanists.”